The mission of 西维吉尼亚州 College Counseling Services is to provide a professional and confidential setting of non-judgement for the psychological, 情感, and developmental support of students as they pursue academic goals and explore personal growth. It is our goal to act as a resource for faculty and staff to assist in their interactions with students.

WVWC心理咨询中心提供免费咨询, 危机的支持, 专注于解决方案的单次会议, and short-term counseling sessions to all undergraduate and graduate students as part of Wesleyan’s commitment to student well-being.

The Center partners with Community Care therapists as well (these sessions are billed to the student’s insurance). While both therapy options are located in the Health Center building, they are separate entities. The main WVWC Counseling Center door is located across from the back of Christopher Hall of Science.



If you are in crisis after-hours, call Campus Security at 304.473.8001 or 911.



Instagram: @wvwc_counseling

FB: WVWC咨询中心

  • 见你的辅导员

    Shauna Jones, MA, MFA, NCC


    Shauna has been a counselor and advisor in the college setting, 公立学校, 和机构教育超过25年. 她是一名经过认证的Koru正念教练. She is a BIPOC and LGBTQ+ ally and strives to help students feel as comfortable walking into the Counseling Center as they are walking into the Wellness Center. Her counseling philosophy is best summed up by a Jon Kabat-Zinn quote: “You can’t stop the waves, 但是你可以学习冲浪.”

    The best way to schedule an appointment with Shauna is to email

  • 保密

    你在咨询中分享的信息是保密的. Your counselor cannot share your information with anyone except to consult with other educated counselors. You must sign a consent form in order for a counselor to release your information to any other individuals, 包括你的父母.

    Please note: The counselor is required by law and professional ethics to disregard confidentiality if:

    • A student discloses their life or others’ lives are in danger
    • A student communicates a child or vulnerable adult abuse is taking place
    • 法院要求提供与犯罪有关的咨询记录
  • UWILL远距治疗

    WVWC很高兴地宣布与Uwill建立合作关系, 领先的学生心理健康和健康解决方案. Uwill为学生提供即时的, 安全, and convenient way to receive teletherapy counseling services should the need arise.


    注册/登录 to Uwill and choose a therapist based on your preferences including 可用性, 议题,性别,语言,种族. 你也可以选择一个适合你日程安排的时间 白天,晚上和周末可用性. 

    访问是快速和容易的. 您可以在几分钟内注册并预订您的第一次会议.

    Uwill是 私人. 安全. 保密.

    如果你需要任何帮助, 你可以参考Uwill常见问题解答, 学生使用指南, 或者直接加拿大28开奖





  • 应急资源

    In case of an emergency when the Counseling Center is closed, contact Campus Security at 304.473.8011请求紧急援助. 保安有能力联系到所有其他值班人员.

    Residence Life staff are on duty in each building with professional staff on call 24/7. Security or the on-duty staff person will contact 911 or other resources as needed depending on the situation.

    For crisis intervention you can also call Appalachian Health Center’s 24-hour hotline at 304-472-2022 or St. 约瑟夫医院304-473-2000.

  • 正念


    正念 is “the awareness that arises from paying attention, 故意, 在当下,不加评判.” (Jon Kabat-Zinn) 正念 isn’t just 冥想, though 冥想 is one form of 正念. 通过呼吸练习来练习正念, 身体扫描, and other awareness activities allows us to keep from getting stuck in the past or feeling extreme anxiety about the future. Research is proving that even ten minutes a day of 正念 can help reduce stress, 增加睡眠, 提高课堂上的注意力, 在球场上, 在人际关系中.


    Uwill provides instructor-led live and on-demand events in yoga, 冥想, 正念, 工作和生活的平衡.

    Suggested 正念 apps: Calm; Headspace; Moodpath; 3 Good Things

  • 预防自杀

    学生 experiencing a potentially life-threatening emergency should always call 911.

    如果你处于危机中,但没有主动地处于危险之中, 拨打988, 国家危机和自杀预防生命线.

    If you commit to keep breathing, the Counseling Center will surround you with support. 只要你活着,大多数事情都是可以理解的. 你并不孤单,你的故事也不会就此结束.


    • If you are concerned about your personal safety or the safety of others.
    • 如果你担心伤害自己或他人 .
    • 如果你相信你正在与现实脱节


    • 说想死或者想自杀.
    • Looking for ways to kill themselves, such as searching online or buying a gun.
    • 谈论感到绝望或没有活下去的理由.
    • 谈论被困住的感觉或无法忍受的痛苦.
    • 说自己是别人的负担.
    • 增加酒精或毒品的使用.
    • Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.
    • 睡得太少或太多.
    • 退出或孤立自己.
    • 表现出愤怒或谈论寻求报复.
    • 表现出极端的情绪波动








  • 咨询服务时间和预约

    咨询服务时间为周一至周五8:00-4:30. 预约是通过电子邮件进行的

    在初次就诊期间, the counselor will: (1) provide information about what to expect from the counseling process; (2) discuss the student’s presenting issues and concerns; (3) develop a plan for treatment including bi-weekly counseling sessions or referral to another provider if it would best meet the student’s needs.

    我们支持BIPOC和LGBTQ+学生. We support survivors of sexual and domestic violence, stalking, and harassment.

  • 我能从个人咨询中获益吗

    If you are not sure whether you might benefit from therapy, here is a screening quiz:

    任何筛查措施都不能代替咨询, yet it can help you make a decision about whether to make an appointment. 如果您选择设置会话,请发送电子邮件

  • 学生可能遇到的常见问题
    • 学术问题
    • 调整
    • 焦虑和压力
    • 殴打或虐待
    • 抑郁症
    • 性别/身份问题
    • 自杀/有杀人的想法
    • 个人成长
    • 性取向问题
    • 悲伤和失落
    • 精神上的问题
    • 饮食问题
    • 恐惧症
    • 自残
    • 物质使用
    • 关系问题
    • 家庭
    • 职业/未来的计划
    • 财政困难
    • 孤独
    • 低自尊
    • 睡眠改变/干扰
    • 创伤
    • 奇怪的经历、声音或奇怪的想法

    Free quizzes and screenings along with general information about various conditions:

    任何筛查措施都不能代替咨询, yet it can help you make a decision about whether to make an appointment at our Counseling Center. 要预约,请发邮件

    如果您需要在线匿名支持,请访问 It provides support, safely monitored by licensed and registered mental health practitioners. 他们服务于各种亲和群体.

  • 第三方咨询资源和求助热线






    反暴力中心:304个.636.8433; 304.473.0070



    Trans Lifeline: 877.565.8860


  • 咨询服务政策和程序
  • 教职员工资源

    Referrals: Faculty and staff who need recommendations for mental health services for themselves, 家庭, or friends may contact the Center for providers in the community.

    如果您需要在线匿名支持,请访问 It provides support, safely monitored by licensed and registered mental health practitioners. 他们服务于各种亲和群体.

    Consultation: Often, students first confide in faculty or staff. The Center can provide confidential consultation to you about how to support students, 解决一个非危机的情绪/心理问题, 或者如何做推荐.


    • “我对你所经历的一切感到抱歉. 谢谢楼主的分享. 你了解校园资源吗? 如果没有,让我们联系一些可以帮助你的资源.(你不必是辅导员或调查员)
    • “听到这个消息我很难过. 我就在你身边,帮你联系资源.”
    • “谢谢你信任我. 我想让你知道,我是来倾听而不是评判的.”
    • “There are people and resources both on and off campus that can help you. 我们稍后再谈学术问题. 现在,让我们来帮你.”

    Psychoeducational Outreach: If there is a mental health topic that you would like presented to students in your class, 在你的团队中, 在你的宿舍里, 或者一个组织, 联系肖娜,电话: or She is very limited in time but will work with you to arrange something.